Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Why Dracula lacks popularity in India


It has been ages since I wrote my last post. The truth is that I had drifted away from the passionate research that had caught my fancy in my early adolescence. That does not mean that I am any less a believer or any less fond of the tales of the Count. I still wish to visit Romania and in particular, Transylvania in order to explore those real places and to find out the answers to so many questions that continue to linger, to try to find out more history, to dig deeper..... It's just that life brings more responsibilities as we grow and now, even if I would want to make a career out of my research, chances are dim, given new goals and new work.

However, when I stumbled upon a report in the HT today, I immediately wanted to share it here, as part of the archive that I have been building for so many years. It is a fact that devoted fans of Dracula-the book as well as the character and the story plus all the history that surrounds it all- are hard to find. I have barely come across people with whom I can have sensible, serious and stimulating discussions on this subject. While I do relish the uniqueness of the tribe that I belong to, it does make me wonder why is the Count not so popular in India. The following link to the same HT report is a good attempt at shedding light in this direction.

Why Dracula fails to get a bite in India but 'atmas', 'daayans' make us shiver