Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hi all...
Suddenly, my back is paining kind of badly tonight. May be because I didn't get a chance to sit comfortably....some urgent work in the bank, then a quick breakfast, a little shopping again, came home for a while and then went to the salon. After that, my friends came and I went with them ! Phew!...I had thought of starting a new canvas today but no more energy is left. Moreover, this pain is becoming too much to bear.

Anyways, coming to the point...we must all have heard about the famous Count from Transylvania....yes I'm talking about Dracula! This blog is dedicated to him! Not only because I'm a great fan of the novel but also because of the uncanny attraction I feel towards this character!

In India, the concept of vampires doesn't seem to be very clear. People often use the word 'Dracula' to mean 'vampire' and that really pisses me off...The most important fact that I want all Indians to know is that Dracula was the name of a Romanian nobleman! Yes, he was a vampire but the meaning of his name is nowhere close to the term.

Oh! I must clearly state that here, I will only be focussing on the character from Bram Stoker's book and little priority will be given to Vlad Tepes. Well, the latter was a Wallachian ruler and it is said that Stoker's Dracula was based on him. However, Tepes or Vlad the Impaler was a historical figure so we all are certain that he existed and I don't find the need or interest in writing about something which is known! There is no fun in it as such. I just want to focus on the man who still stands as a mystery to researchers.....

I don't want to portray as if I can uncover the "truths" but yes, I will surely try to express what I have observed and discovered through months of study! sounds crazy no??? Studying so sincerely about a weird topic..hehehe...but there's something about him which draws me in...
I can go on and on discussing about this but my schedule won't permit that. I'll be back with some interesting stuff soon...
Till then.. Au Revoir....


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